Iowa Farm Bureau education: farm stress, marketing, financial management and more
- Farm Stress Management with Personalities in Mind Stress is a natural part of living and the way in which people respond varies widely depending upon the personalities involved. This webinar includes the idea that with a better understanding your own personality and the personalities of those involved, stressful circumstances can be constructively addressed for more positive outcomes. Presented by Kiley Fleming and Kathy Hall on Thursday, July 16, at 1 p.m. For more information, to pre-register and receive reminder emails, please click here.
- NEW: Mid-Year Farm Review: Evaluate and strategize for the future Ag advisors are encouraging farm operations to do conduct a mid-year review and determine the effects of recent events on your financial situation. Join the webinar (Thursday July 30, at 1:00 p.m.) to gain insight on how to evaluate your end of the year outcomes and discuss strategies to yield the best results. For more information, to pre-register and receive reminder emails, please click here.
- 2020 Transportation Rules for Farmers webinar On August 12 at 1 p.m., Sergeant Kevin Killpack of Motor Vehicle Enforcement (Iowa DOT) will share the latest information with farmers to ensure they are up to date on transportation regulations in advance of harvest and increased agricultural traffic. Join the webinar for this unique chance to learn and ask questions. For information and/or to pre-register and receive reminder emails, please click here.
- 2020 Crops article and webcast: Finding Bright Spots in Dismal 2020 Corn Revenue Outlook Hope for 2020 crop revenue may need to come from risk management decisions already made and decisions yet to come. Please click here for hopeful ideas and a brief recorded webcast. Direct link to the webcast here (19 min).
- NEW Recording: Ag Markets: Finding Calm in the Storm webinar In these turbulent times, information can help to clear away the noise of the market. Karl Setzer of AgriVisor will present marketing ideas for corn, soybeans, hogs and cattle on Tuesday, June 23, at 1 p.m. For more information, to pre-register and receive reminder emails, please click here.
- Effective Ag Communication in Stressful Times webinar recording Watch this recording to learn helpful ideas for on-farm and off-farm communication. The speakers have expertise from 30 years of experience with interpersonal communication and action plans. Learn how to have those difficult conversations. For the recordings and materials, please click here.
- Learn Crop Marketing with market simulation Learn how to use cash forward contracts, futures and options using real corn and soybean markets in a simulation of new crop corn and soybeans until October 21. This allows you to learn at your own computer! To get started, see the instruction sheet and example marketing plans at the top of this educational webpage.
- For farm stress resources, please click here.
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