Thanks to livestock farmers in the area, a new business is coming to Eagle Grove, Iowa, along with 250 new families. Learn more in this edition of the Iowa Minute!

Iowa Minute Transcript

Laurie Johns (Iowa Farm Bureau): There's a buzz going on in north central Iowa, especially right here in Eagle Grove, and that's because this town has a long history of supporting livestock, etched in stone for generations. Thanks to livestock farmers in the area, a new business is coming to town, along with 250 new families.

Ann Shriver (Eagle Grove resident, Marketing Manager for Moffitt Dental): I've lived in Eagle Grove all my life, and Eagle Grove is finally in a growth mode, and it's just a really exciting time here.

Jess Toliver (Superintendent of Schools, Eagle Grove School District): For years, we've seen declining enrollment. This is the first time we've seen opportunity. It's got a lot of people excited about the growth opportunities we have.

Johns: The plant builders picked Eagle Grove because of its support for livestock.

Sandy McGrath (Eagle Grove Mayor): We're dependent on agriculture. We're dependent on livestock. We're all in one big happy family that needs to support each other.

Bob Torkelson (Eagle Grove resident, local builder): Livestock is essential to our area. We basically thrive off of livestock in this area.

Jim Christ (Eagle Grove resident, owner of Christ Furniture Store): It's just never been a better time to a resident of Eagle Grove, and we want to welcome you to come to Eagle Grove. 

Johns: With your Iowa Minute, I'm Laurie Johns.