Editor’s note: As part of our periodic conversations with Iowa Farm Bureau Federation President Brent Johnson, the Spokesman visited with the Calhoun County farmer about the most pressing issues facing agriculture in 2023 and how farmers are using technology to improve efficiency and sustainability on their farms.

Q: What do you think will be the most impactful issue for farmers and Farm Bureau in 2023?

A: There are several issues including the latest Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule, ongoing input cost challenges and trade volatility with the war between Russia and Ukraine creating global market disruptions.

However, the issue that will have the most significant impact is the expiration of the 2018 Farm Bill in September. With split control of Congress, we’ve got to have compromise in both chambers to ensure workable solutions as they craft the first ever $1 trillion farm bill. Additionally, a significant number of incoming congressional leaders have never been through a farm bill negotiation before. Navigating those dynamics will present some challenges.

Q: What are some key components of the farm bill from Farm Bureau’s perspective?

A: The farm bill is the most significant piece of legislation that affects farmers across the state and country. Many consumers don’t realize it, but the farm bill affects them, too. It is a critical tool that ensures the U.S. food supply remains secure. So it’s important to make sure it stays a unified ...