Powerpoint presentation on US Trade by David Miller  US Trade Summary.pptx

What does Trade Mean to Iowa?

•Iowa ranks #4 on per capita Ag exports
•Iowa Ranks #5 on percent of Exports that come from Ag and Ag Products.   
•Iowa currently exports $ 5.4 Billion of agricultural commodities*;
•9.4% of Iowa’s direct employment and 13.0% of Iowa’s direct value-added are connected to these exports.
•41% of exports leaving from Iowa are commodities and ag-based products
•Per capita exports out of Iowa are ranked 4th in the nation with $1,734 exported per person.
•If both direct and indirect effects are considered, Iowa ag exports are responsible for 21.0% for employment and 24.4% for value-added.

*Based on a selection of ag products from the U.S. Census Bureau,