January-July 2023 Pork Exports:

The most recent data published by USDA-FAS indicates that from January to July 2023, the U.S. exported 1.342 million metric tons of U.S. pork[1] valued at $3.862 billion. U.S. pork exports were ahead 10% by volume and 8% by value year-over-year. The top ten markets for U.S. pork made up 93% of the exported  volume during these first seven months of the year (see Table 1).  

Table 1. U.S. Pork Exports to Top 10 Destinations (Jan-Sep 2022 and 2023)

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Mexico is the top volume and value foreign market destination for U.S. pork (see Figure 1 and Figure 2). From January to July 2023, the U.S. pork shipments to Mexico were estimated at 524,000 MT, which were valued at $1.098 billion....