The following statement may be attributed to Iowa Farm Bureau Federation President Craig Hill:

“Here in Iowa, agriculture accounts for one out of every five jobs. So, clearly, what we grow and raise benefits not just farmers, but many other economic sectors in this state. Passing the USMCA is key to the sustainability of agriculture and many other businesses in Iowa.

That’s why Iowa Farm Bureau is proud to join 79 Iowa businesses and organizations representing agriculture, small business, food companies, manufacturers, Chambers of Commerce and more to urge Congress to work together and pass USMCA!

No matter what zip code or job you have, Iowans want our elected representatives to remember that we all live in a global economy and must be a part of it. 

For Iowa farmers, the importance of USMCA is simple: one out of every three acres of crop land is exported; one out of every four pigs are sent to markets outside our borders. That growth must continue if farming in Iowa is to remain sustainable, as farm exports make up a huge portion of farmers’ and ranchers’ income.

USMCA builds on the success of the NAFTA agreement and will ultimately lead to freer markets and fairer trade.  This is the time for our elected representatives to set partisan politics aside and choose to support ALL Iowans, by passing USMCA.”