Welcome to Episode 107 of The Spokesman Speaks podcast. In this episode, Iowa State University soil science expert Dr. Michael Castellano shares details about an effort to optimize and localize Iowa’s fertilizer application recommendations. And environmental scientist Shawn Richmond discusses how optimal fertilizer applications complement farmers’ other efforts to grow the crops we need while protecting water quality. To learn more about farmers' conservation and water quality protection efforts, visit ConservationCountsIowa.com.

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About The Spokesman Speaks Podcast
Since 1934, The Iowa Farm Bureau Spokesman has been Iowa’s leading agriculture news source, and today it has the largest readership of any ag newspaper in Iowa. While The Spokesman newspaper is available exclusively to Iowa Farm Bureau members, The Spokesman Speaks podcast is available publicly, providing the ag news and farmer education that matter most. You can find episodes of the podcast here or subscribe and listen in your favorite podcast app, such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Audible, Stitcher, TuneInRadio, or Radio.com.