The following statement may be attributed to Iowa Farm Bureau Federation President Craig Hill:

"Iowa Farm Bureau is encouraged that promises to farmers made for 15 billion gallons of renewable fuels will be kept by the Administration. Burdened by six years of a downturned ag economy, depressed commodity prices and weather challenges that have wiped out crops for many, Iowa farmers welcome the good news.

"The 15 billion EPA biofuel requirements, coupled with promised action to keep biomass-based diesel sales and a recent decision to allow year-round sales of E15, is needed by grain farmers to remain sustainable and to help reduce carbon emissions for us all. But, it’s not just farmers who rely on Iowa-grown fuels; it’s all Iowans. More than 48,000 Iowans are employed by or depend upon the continued operation of the state’s biorefineries. Iowans who depend on those biofuel jobs also welcome today’s news to keep that 15-billion-gallon promise to farmers.

"Agriculture provides the food and fiber for a growing world, and farmers are pleased to see support for our Iowa-grown fuels continue, to assure a future of sustainable energy for this nation."