Cattle care and conservation are of utmost importance on the Glick family farm in eastern Iowa. But intertwined in that is the care they show for their community and their neighbors.

This week, Rob and Amy Glick, along with their sons, Grady and Carter, will be recognized for all of their efforts with the Gary Wergin Good Farm Neighbor Award, which recognizes livestock farmers who take pride in doing things right. This includes caring for the environment and their livestock and being good neighbors.

The Glicks, Cedar County Farm Bureau members, raise cattle and row crops with Rob’s dad near Solon.

The family was nominated for the award by Dan Schott, who noted the family’s commitment to conservation.

The Glicks have implemented a variety of conservation practices for nearly 40 years, before the practices were widely adopted in the state, Amy said.

“In the early ’80s, Rob and his dad made the transition to no-till, and that was really kind of before no-till was cool,” she said.

In the early ’90s, the family started planting cover crops.

“The biggest reason we use them is to take care of the soil and keep nutrients in place,” Amy said.

Rob noted that the rye cover crop makes for excellent grazing for their cattle.

The family raises Red Angus cattle and is now in the heart of calving season.

Amy grew up raising Holsteins on her parents’ dairy farm just 20 minutes north.

No matter the color or breed, the Glicks say livestock care is a top priority on their farm. And they share that message with others in their community.

Amy helped reinvigorate the Cedar County Farm Bureau’s Ag in the Classroom efforts in the local school district. She’s taken part in activities that teach about cattle care and milk production.

Her kids have been involved, too, sharing the farm’s story about conservation and cover crops not only locally, but also at the Iowa State Fair.

Community outreach is very important to the Glick family, Amy said. Not just telling their ag story, but being a part of the larger community.

Rob serves as a Soil and Water Conservation District com­­missioner in Cedar County. Amy is vice president of the Cedar County Farm Bureau and involved in 4-H and church activities.

“The farm is very important to us, but it’s also very important to give back to the community that’s given so much to us,” Amy said.

Kindness at a tough time

They will never forget the kindness the community showed them when they lost their home due to flooding on the Cedar River in 2008.

“We made a few phone calls, and about 40 to 50 people were there helping in our yard getting stuff out of the house. We always look back on that. That’s what our community is all about,” Amy said.

They’ve shared that same community spirit with their sons, too.

“We’ve really tried to show our kids what it’s like to be a part of the community. It’s about helping each other. It’s how Rob and I were raised,” Amy said.

“People have helped me out and helped my parents out. It just goes back to giving back,” Rob said.

They said being recognized for the Wergin Good Farm Neighbor Award is humbling but they don’t help their neighbors or their community to receive accolades.

“It’s not about getting an award when you help somebody,” Amy said. “It’s about doing what’s right and what feels good to you in your own heart.”

The Glick family will be recognized for their award Friday, March 23 at the Mathews Building on the Cedar County Fairgrounds at 1195 210th St. in Tipton. The “Big Show,” which airs on both WHO and WMT radio, will broadcast live from the presentation from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.