Young Iowa farmers excited for their future
Many young producers in Iowa say Farm Bureau provides networking, education and leadership opportunities that are critical for their success.
Zach and Ashlyn Elliott are at the start of their farming journey together.
Recent college graduates, both Zach and Ashlyn were raised in agricultural environments.
Ashlyn grew up helping her father and grandfather on their farm, developing a particular love for cattle. From a young age, she knew she cared deeply about agriculture and wanted to share her passion for the land and animals with others.
Zach, whose parents were teachers who also grew row crops, spent his childhood showing livestock and participating in 4-H and FFA.
“We love the farm life, satisfaction, work and joy it brings,” Ashlyn said.
Today, Zach works alongside Ashlyn’s father, Kelby, on the family farm, where they grow corn and soybeans. The couple has also begun taking over the family’s cow/calf operation.
“We are very excited to start raising cattle together and be in charge,” Ashlyn said. “We are hoping to grow the size and improve the herd’s genetics in the years to come, as well as start farming some of our own row crop ground.”
Zach and Ashlyn are part of a new wave of...
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