U.S. Courts temporarily block implementation of WOTUS
Iowa Farm Bureau applauds the ruling
Iowa Farm Bureau members are encouraged by the news that today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued a temporary stay of the EPA’s “Waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS) rule nationwide, effectively blocking its implementation until further court action.
“Although the stay is temporary, it sends a strong signal that the rule is unlawful and underscores what thousands of Iowa farmers have said all along – that the rule is seriously flawed, confusing and would impose undue burden and hardship on farmers and the public,” said IFBF President Craig Hill. “It also underscores that the EPA’s process for rulemaking was flawed.”
The new rule cannot be enforced by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or EPA.
“Unfortunately,” Hill added, “it will take years to get to a final court ruling which will not only cost a significant amount of money, it also comes at a cost to the environment by delaying conservation practices. We urge Congress to nullify the rule."
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