Iowa Minute

Laurie Johns: Do you have rough terrain or environmentally sensitive areas that might be tough to use chemicals to remove noxious weeds? Then send in these guys. Farmers Aaron Steele and Chad Steenhoek started Goats on the Go four years ago to solve a growing environmental problem.

Aaron Steele (Farmer & Co-Owner of Goats on the Go): We have a huge invasive species problem in Iowa, and the goats seek out those species. We'd rather not broadly spray chemicals over a large area, but if we send the goats through and can do some cutting, now we can very precisely apply herbicides.

Johns: Prairie Rose park manager Michelle Reinig is a big fan. 

Michelle Reinig (Park Manager at Prairie Rose Park in Harlan, Iowa): They're just a win-win. They do the work. They work while the seasonal employees and the staff here at the park are getting other jobs done. People like to watch the goats work, and they seven days a week, rain or shine.

Johns: Iowa farmers, problem solving. It's what today's agriculture is all about. With your Iowa Minute, I'm Laurie Johns.