Year-round sales of E15 to provide increased demand for Iowa-grown fuel, price relief at the pump for drivers

The following statement may be attributed to Iowa Farm Bureau President Brent Johnson:

“Iowa Farm Bureau members applaud President Biden’s announcement today lifting restrictions on E15 fuel for the 2022 summer driving season.  Sales of higher blended ethanol will provide consumers a cleaner, lower-cost option at the gas pump throughout the summer, and Iowa farmers are ready to meet the increased demand to help drive down fuel costs. 

"With retail gas prices surging to record levels, biofuels provide a homegrown option to help drive down the rising costs.   As the nation’s leading producer of both ethanol and biodiesel, the biofuels industry in Iowa alone supports more than 46,000 jobs, predominately in rural communities, and the industry accounts for over $5 billion of Iowa’s GDP.  

"Iowa Farm Bureau members appreciate the bipartisan support from our entire federal delegation for their efforts encouraging the Biden Administration to make this important change that will benefit all Iowans.”