$5,000 donation to farmers and ranchers in disaster areas 

Iowa Farm Bureau Federation is supporting Texas farmers and ranchers hit hard by Hurricane Harvey with a $5,000 donation to the Texas Farm Bureau Hurricane Relief Fund.  One hundred percent of donations to the Texas Farm Bureau Hurricane Relief Fund go to farmers impacted by the storm, which continues to devastate the region.    

“The devastation is widespread and the effects will be felt for a long time.  We wanted our Texas fellow farmers to know that Iowa stands with them,” says IFBF President and livestock farmer Craig Hill.  “As a livestock farmer, it’s especially heart-breaking to see animals struggling to find high ground.  It may take several more weeks to round up stranded herds and assess their health; keeping them fed and dry is another struggle that will continue for months to come.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott says the damage to the state’s cotton crop is yet to be known, since the high winds knocked down plants ready for harvest and flooded storage areas.  A total of 13 of the 50 counties declared disaster areas are cotton-producing areas.

Iowans who would like to help the Texas farmers and ranchers impacted by Hurricane Harvey can go to the Texas Farm Bureau website at TexasFarmBureau.org and click on the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund link.  Your donation is tax-deductible and 100 percent of your donation goes to farmers and ranchers impacted by Hurricane Harvey.