Grazing advisor helps producers see pasture potential
The Iowa Cattlemen’s Association (ICA) is helping cattle farmers improve the grazing potential of their pastures through a new program. "Stewards of the Land" provides a hands-on resource for those wanting to make pasture improvements.
"It’s all about education and awareness," says ICA Grazing Advisor Linda Shumate.
Shumate fills a new position with ICA created to spearhead the initiative. Funding for the three-year project is shared by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, the Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation and Prairie Creek Seed.
Shumate began her tenure in December and is making the rounds at county cattlemen’s banquets to share the news and educate producers about their options for improving their pastures.
"It’s a different conversation than we’ve had in the past," says Shumate. "It’s a different picture out there." ...
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