Curious onlookers gravitated throughout the morning to the field just south of the Beck’s Hybrids main building at a mid-summer field day to catch a new technological advancement in action.

An electric spray drone took off roughly every 15 minutes and made a couple mock spray passes before perfectly landing back at its starting spot. It was a fascinating display that visitors to the Beck’s Hybrids 2022 Iowa Field Show north of Colfax raved about, and they clamored for more information from Beck’s expert Jim Love.

“It does get some attention,” said Love, light robotics manager for Beck’s, who displays the product across the country. “They’re becoming popular. There’s getting to be a lot more of them out there.”

This AG-116 model Hylio AgroDrone, boasting six battery-powered rotors, a 4.2 gallon tank, camera, long-range radio and two wide angle radars to detect and avoid obstacles, took...