Cash Strategist 11/10/21
One consistent factor with this year’s corn and soybean crops has been variability, and this hasn't ended with the advancing harvest. Yields vary across the Corn Belt by one of the largest margins in recent history.
Poor yields have been reported in several regions of the United States, mainly where weather and quality issues have developed. The most notable of these has been in the Upper Plains, mainly the Dakotas.
Regions of the United States that have been impacted by the tar spot fungus on corn are also reporting poor crops, particularly in the Eastern Corn Belt.
Other regions of the United States are claiming this year’s corn and soybean crops may be their best ever. It is no surprise these are the areas that received timely rains and had little crop stress.
The question now is if yields in the good areas will be large enough to make up for the poor regions; a question ...
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