The 2020 crop has faced many challenges.  Now that harvest is winding down, do you know the factors to monitor as you contemplate storage, short-term and long-term?

Webinar Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2020,    Time: 7:00 p.m.    Speaker: Dr. Charles Hurburgh, Professor in Charge, Iowa Grain Quality Initiative at Iowa State University

The 2020 Iowa crop season has been battered by unusual events with drought and derecho winds. No matter where your farm is in the state, crop quality is a concern. Especially as post-harvest decisions are made, it is vital to know and keep track of crop quality. What should you look for in your crop? What is the best way to manage the crop for sale or storage? Get tips from a well-respected expert with timely ideas for the 2020 crop.



The featured speaker is Dr. Charles Hurburgh, Professor in Charge of the Iowa Grain Quality Initiative (IGQI) at Iowa State University. The live webinar will be available online to anyone wishing to attend, and a recording of the session will be available to Farm Bureau members online, along with webinar materials, following the webinar.

To pre-register, receive reminder e-mails and receive an e-mail when the webinar recording is available, please click here.