Supply pressure continues in the corn and soybean market, partially as a result of four large U.S. corn crops in a row (2013-2016) and three large U.S. soybean crops in a row (2014-2016). Fortunately, demand for these bushels remains strong in the balance sheet or even larger ending stocks would be weighing on the markets.

These macro influences have a direct impact on farm returns making marketing decisions at tight or no margins a pressure packed job. In addition, the market remains very unpredictable as is noted in this quote from American Farm Bureau Federation economist John Newton:

"Right now, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is projecting more of the same in 2017 as far as commodity prices, but we’re a weather event away from higher prices or we’re a trade disruption away from lower commodity prices. So, at this point in the year, it’s really...