There was 1 field day announced during the week of September 7. For more details about this and 7 more field days, visit here.

Recently Announced

September 25 | Soil Health Field Day and Hog Barn Open House

This Field Day will include the topics of:

  • IDALS Water Quality Update, Mike Naig, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture
  • Lower Cedar Watershed Management Authority and Cost Share Programs, Holly Howard & Jon Matz, Muscatine Soil & Water Conservation District
  • Soil Health and Cover Crop Trials, Mark Heckman, host farmer, and Lisa Kubik, Soil Health Partnership
  • Considerations for Livestock Buildings, Brian Waddingham, Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers
  • Tour cover crop plots, wetland, and new hog barn
  • Supper provided by Iowa Corn

Walk-ins are welcome but please RSVP by September 21 by contacting Ben Gleason at 515-225-9242 or


September 7 | Conservation Education Day

Speakers and topics will include:

  • Josh Spies, The Nature Conservancy, Tree identification and local reptiles
  • Drew Delang, NRCS District Conservationist, NRCS Conservation program
  • Caleb Waters, Lake Geode Watershed Coordinator, Sampling your waters and controlling runoff
  • Jason Steele, NRCS Soil Scientist, How conservation programs improve soil quality
  • Bryan Kuntz, Growing Ag LLC & 360 Yield Center Products, Right Time, Placement & Rate of Nitrogen 
  • Louisa County Conservation Board, Erosion Simulation
  • Roger Edwards, host farmer and longtime conversationalist, changes in Agriculture Production covering 5 generations and new cattle production practices

This field day is free, open to the public and includes a complimentary meal. RSVP to Louisa County Farm Bureau at 319-523-2361 or email

September 7 | Manure Management + Field Day in the Boone Watershed

A systems approach to manure management, water quality and soil health. Manure Management + is a partnership between  Iowa NRCS, Iowa Pork Producers Association, Iowa State University, Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance and Corteva Agriscience™, Agriculture Division of DowDuPont with the goal to educate Iowa Pork Producers that apply liquid swine manure and ag retailers to increase their understanding of the many conservation practices that address environmental and financial sustainability. This includes the use of nitrogen stabilizers in concert with other soil health management and water quality practices. 

September 10 | Cover Crops + Small Grains = A Perfect Pair for Soil Health and Water Quality

Explore the possibilities of adding a small-grains crop to your rotation, which allows a wider use of cover crops to cut down on needed inputs for the next corn crop. You will learn how to successfully integrate grazing with cover crops. We'll also discuss water quality in Iowa and sample nitrate concentrations coming out of tile lines from the small-grains field. Come find out how small grains and cover crops can work together for better soil and water quality!  Dinner provided by the Mills / Montgomery County Cattlemen.

September 13 | Edge of Field Conservation Practice Field Day

The Iowa Chapter of the Land Improvement Contractors Association (LICA), in partnership with the Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance (IAWA), Iowa Learning Farms, Iowa Corn, Iowa Soybean Association and Iowa Pork, will host an edge of field practice field day on Thursday, September 13th from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at the LICA Farm, near Melbourne. The event is free and open to the whole family, and includes a complimentary meal.

September 14 | Greg Thoren 2018 Field Day

Speakers and topics will include:

  • Dr. Jerry Hatfield with USDA-ARS

Register for the event here.