New conservation field days announced the week of 7/13
There were 5 field days announced during the week of July 13. For more details about these and 15 more field days, visit here.
Recently Announced:
July 26 | Webinar: Planning Habitat for Pollinators and Profitability
Iowa’s farmers are leaders in crop production and land stewardship. They also have an opportunity to be leaders in monarch conservation. This webinar will identify all the steps you should consider when planning your own pollinator project and discuss how targeted conservation plantings for monarchs and other pollinators can be a win-win on your marginal acres. Contact Ed Kordick, IFBF Commodity Services Manager ( ) for more information. Pre-register and receive reminder e-mails by clicking here.
August 9 | Andrew Reuschel Cover Crop Diversity and Soil Health
Speakers and topics will include:
- Nick Seiter- University of Illinois Field Crop Entomology
- Abigail Peterson- Soil Health Partnership
- Andrew Reuschel- Farm Cover Crop Tour
Register for the event here.
September 4 | Kirk Kimble Water Quality Site
Speakers and topics will include:
- Conservation Farming Economics – PCM
- Soil Health and Water Quality
Register for the event here.
September 6 | Cover Crops: Seeding Techniques & Soil Health
Topics will include:
- Cover Crops: Seeding Techniques & Soil Health
Register for the event here.
September 14 | Greg Thoren 2018 Field Day
Speakers and topics will include:
- Dr. Jerry Hatfield with USDA-ARS
Register for the event here.
Upcoming Field Days:
July 17 | Bioreactor Field Day
This field day, sponsored by Prairie Rivers of Iowa, Iowa Learning Farms, Iowa Corn, and the Story County Soil and Water District, will discuss the design and implementation of practices that work to remove nitrate from tile lines. This event will include a tour of a denitrifying bioreactor and will feature presentations from Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Station On The Edge, Jace Klein, a bioreactor designer with Ecosystems Services Exchange, and a local landowner with bioreactor experience.
July 17 | Expanding Conservation With Cover Crops, Livestock and Small Grains
Kellie and A.J. will share how they’ve steadily increased their use of cover crops while also reducing tillage. The Blairs will explain how grazing cattle on their cover crops and conducting on-farm research with the Iowa Soybean Association have helped them expand their cover crop usage. Come learn more about their experiences and research results, as well as one of their newer endeavors: raising their own cover crop seed! Topics will include: cover crops and reduced tillage, cover crops and livestock and raising your own cereal rye cover crop seed.
July 18 | Cover Crops and Soil Health at the Grundy County Fair
Farmers and landowners who attend this field day will learn more about ways to make soil health improvements on their farms for better corn, soybean and cattle production. Learn about cover crops, managed intensive grazing, edge-of-field practices, no-till and soil health testing as ways to make your farm more sustainable. Grundy County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) has organized an event during the Grundy County Fair for several years to help farmers and landowners learn more about ways to improve their soil health. Admission is free to both the fair and the workshop.
July 18 | Economic Benefits of Nitrogen Reductions in Iowa
Join speaker Chuan Tang from the Center for Agriculture and Rural Development for another installment of Iowa Learning Farms monthly webinar series. Connect to the webinar here.
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