Meet me at Mac's
What was once a cigar factory in downtown Maquoketa now hosts art classes titled “Uncorked and Creative.” Who would have thought? Sue Mayberry would have.
Owners of Mayberry Appliance Center, Sue Mayberry and her husband, Jim, purchased the 1874 building to use as storage in 1991. With their appliance business just around the corner, it was large, sound and convenient.
When Maquoketa, a Main Street community, upgraded its downtown with a streetscape project in 2015-2016, Mayberry decided to jump on board. “We wanted to do our part,” she says.
Maquoketa is proud of its historic downtown with its vintage street lighting, original brick from its streets adorning the sidewalks, native limestone planters, benches, and a village green created from the destruction of a fire that took out five buildings more than a decade ago. It serves as a space for outdoor concerts and gatherings.
Now Maquoketa has Farmers Creek Antiques and Mac’s Wine Cellar, a two-story, 5,000 square feet gathering place for...
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