Webinar Title: Livestock: Protecting Your Owned Livestock Revenue    
Day/Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM  (CST)

Webinar Description: 
Join the Iowa Farm Bureau as we host Farm Bureau Financial Services Regional Crop Consultants, Shelby Oetting and Sarah Evenson, on May 8 at 1 pm (CST) to learn how you can use Livestock Risk Protection and/or Livestock Gross Margin to protect your owned livestock (cattle, swine, dairy) revenue.

Speakers: Sarah EvensonFarm Bureau Financial Services
Sarah is a Regional Crop Consultant who was born and raised in Minnesota and joined Farm Bureau Financial Services in 2022. Over the next two crop seasons, Sarah helped organically grow a crop insurance book which has also led to farm and life cross sell opportunities. Sarah has found no better reward than placing ease of mind on those who have so much to lose if mother nature throws us a curve ball.

Shelby Oetting - Farm Bureau Financial Services
Shelby is a Regional Crop Consultant who was born and raised in Nebraska. She attended Iowa Western Community College and Bellevue University. Prior to joining FBFS, she worked as a senior crop insurance underwriter for 6 years, servicing over 14 states during that time. She now lives in southwest Iowa. 

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For more information, contact Zach Brummer, Iowa Farm Bureau, Farmer Education Program Manager (zbrummer@ifbf.org).