July/Early August Webinars from Iowa Farm Bureau
July WASDE, Planted Acres & Stocks: Market Implications webinar Join Karl Setzer, AgriVisor commodity risk analyst, for a presentation on recent USDA reports and their market implications on Wednesday, July 13, at 1 p.m. For more information, to register and receive reminder emails, please click here.
Livestock Risk Protection: Protecting your Owned Livestock Revenue Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) is a federal livestock insurance product that provides protection against declining livestock prices. Positive changes to the LRP policy have made the program more producer friendly. For more information on this webinar (Wednesday, August 3 at 1:00 pm), to register and receive reminder emails, please click here.
2022 Transportation Rules for Farmers In anticipation of harvest, farmers need the latest information on regulations and exemptions that apply to them as they transport their crops. The webinar will be held on Monday, August 8 at 1:00 p.m. Officer Kyle Rich of the Iowa DOT, Motor Vehicle Enforcement unit will provide valuable information regarding registrations and licensing of farm vehicles, pre-trip inspections, vehicle weight, and much more. For more information, to register and receive reminder emails, please click here.
Webinar Recording: Cybersecurity 101 for Farmers: Risks and Protection Strategies The webinar was to raise awareness of cybersecurity for farm operations and provide practical solutions, please click here.
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