The Iowa Farm Animal Care Coalition was created to answer the questions farmers and consumers have about livestock care.

Iowa Minute Transcript

Laurie Johns: You've probably heard that Iowa leads the nation in the number of hog farms and the number of ways that livestock farmers raise animals. Well, a dedicated group of animal care experts are making sure the animals are treated well. They're part of the Iowa Farm Animal Care Coalition. And when they're called, their expertise is there for farmers and consumers.

Dr. Suzanne Millman (Department of Animal Sciences, Iowa State University): There will always be an animal welfare faculty, and there will always be a veterinarian with the expertise for that species. But sometimes we might need somebody like a specialist to come in that might know about feeding. So we're there to help. We're a resource.

Dr. Anna Johnson (Department of Animal Sciences, Iowa State University): We want transparency. We want communication. And we want to provide that support.

Johns: And farmers believe in transparency. That's why they started IFAC.

Mike Telford (Executive Director, Iowa Farm Animal Care Coalition): If people see something, say something. We want to get their questions answered - number one. But number two is if there is truly a concern we want to make sure that it gets addressed. And that's why IFAC was created, so please call us.

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