Iowa Farm Bureau members receive special centennial tax savings through BASE
In honor of its centennial year, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation (IFBF) benefit partner, BASE, is offering members a $100 discount when they enroll in a BASE tax-savings plan as a first-time client.
BASE assists small- to medium-sized businesses to implement cost saving measures. Members who pay for health/dental insurance premiums and out-of-pocket healthcare costs may qualify for exclusive member rates on IRS-approved tax-savings plans administered by BASE.
For its centennial year, IFBF members who are self-employed or qualify as a small family business may be eligible for a $100 first-year only discounted enrollment fee of $224 for the Section 105 BASE Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) through October 31, 2018. The average tax-savings for members with this plan is $4,700. Members with multiple employees, who are looking to implement cost saving measures or for help with compliance services, can apply the $100 discount toward setup fees for a BASE 125 Cafeteria Plan, HRA or ERISA Wrap (federally required plan documentation).
“We wanted to help Iowa Farm Bureau celebrate its 100th anniversary and decided to increase the exclusive savings Iowa Farm Bureau members receive on our BASE tax-savings plans,” said Terry Harrington, BASE president. “Our BASE plans can help reduce taxable income for both the employer and employee, and it’s worth checking to see if these options provide members with potential tax-savings opportunities.”
To see if you qualify, call BASE at (866) 550-5525 with your Iowa Farm Bureau membership number ready.