Iowa Farm Bureau Federation (IFBF) President Brent Johnson challenged Farm Bureau members to turn their good intentions into meaningful action as they work to overcome challenges and create a better future for their families, farms and communities.

“Intentions are good, but taking action is important,” Johnson said in his annual address to members last week at the 105th IFBF annual meeting in Des Moines. 

“Nobody ever had their life changed by good intentions. Give yourself the authority to say yes, take action and turn your intentions into action, and do it today.” 

Johnson, a fifth-generation Calhoun County farmer, emphasized the dedication and resolve of grassroots members that has allowed Farm Bureau to flourish for more than a century.

“The Iowa Farm Bureau hasn’t been successful for over a century simply based on visions and dreams. Our strength, trust and respect has been earned through generations of farmers committed to action and serving as a united...