Members of Farm Bureau, Farmers Union and Farm Credit are invited to take a free online training course on stress management.

The course, developed by Michigan State University Extension (MSU Extension) and University of Illinois Extension (Illinois Extension), is designed to help farmers, their families and neighbors identify and cope with stress. 

It provides participants the skills to understand the sources of stress, manage their own stress, learn the warning signs of stress and suicide, identify effective communication strategies and connect farmers and ranchers with appropriate mental health and other resources.

“We have to break through with a message of hope and help,” said American Farm Bureau Fed­eration President Zippy Duvall. “Families don’t have to face today’s stresses and heavy burdens alone. This free online resource is a first step toward recognizing the signs and knowing what to do. We hope anyone who knows someone struggling will take advantage of this potential lifeline.”

Go to for more information and to enroll in the stress management course.