AFBF has announced the launch of Market Intel, a new series of market intelligence reports available at and on Twitter (@FBMarketIntel). Market Intel will provide timely market intelligence on the agricultural economy for farmers, ranchers, lawmakers and consumers, according to AFBF.

“Soybeans Trumping Corn in 18 States” by AFBF’s Dr. John Newton, is the first Market Intel report in the new series. It features insights on the implications of the Agriculture Department’s just-released Prospective Plantings and Grain Stocks reports. 

“Our aim with Market Intel is to analyze current events in agriculture – related to both crops and livestock – through an economic lens,” said Newton, AFBF’s director of market intelligence. “The timely market intelligence on the agricultural economy that we provide will be useful for farmers, lawmakers and consumers. Farmers and ranchers will find Market Intel to be a useful decision-making resource for marketing and planting.”

AFBF news release