The Iowa Farm Bureau Health Plan, which is heading into its third year, is reducing base rates for subscribers.

The plan, designed for Iowans who don’t qualify for subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), continues to grow, and the rate reduction is a result of good plan experiences, said Steve Kammeyer, Farm Bureau Health Plan vice president. The pricing for every individual will be based on their unique demographics and plan, but the overall result will be a rate decrease, he said.

A great option

“This plan is working well for thousands of Iowans. It’s providing quality care and saving Iowans roughly 50% on their health coverage costs.” Kam­­meyer said. “Individuals who do not qualify for ACA subsidies, or may have access to a group plan that is unaffordable, are finding the Farm Bureau Health Plan to be a great option.”

The Iowa Farm Bureau launch­ed its health benefit plan in 2018. The plan’s health benefits are being provided through Iowa Farm Bureau’s wholly owned subsidiary, Farm Bureau Health Benefit Plan LLC. The plan is administered by Wellmark Ad­­ministrators Inc., a licensed ad­­ministrator regulated by the Iowa Insurance Department.

The Farm Bureau Health Plan offers comprehensive benefits and preventive care, in addition to a broad provider network. The plan has fit well for many different Iowans, ranging from young couples who are just starting families to older Iowans who want to retire before they are eligible for Medicare. It is also a great fit for those who are self-employed or those turning 26 and coming off their parent’s plan.

The Farm Bureau Health Plan helped Drew and Shannon Dietz of Nashua in Chickasaw County make the decision for both to work on the farm as they build their livestock herd and plan to start a family. “My passion has really been working here on the farm, and this coverage helped us do that,” said Shannon. 

Until they enrolled in the Farm Bureau plan, Shannon had been working in a job off the farm, in part to maintain health coverage.

The young couple, who married earlier this year, are paying less than $450 per month for coverage in the Farm Bureau Health Care plan after enrolling earlier this year. 

“It’s really working out well for us,” Shannon said, “especially having telehealth services paid for by the plan during a pandemic.” 

Year round enrollment

Unlike many other health plans in the market with a short enrollment window, the Farm Bureau Health Plan offers year-round en­­rollment to assist people who have experienced life changes. In addition, Iowans who are eligible for their employer’s health care plans but are looking for a more affordable option can enroll in the Farm Bureau plan. 

The Farm Bureau Health Plan’s three enrollment options all pro­­vide comprehensive coverage including maternity, mental health and chemical dependency, prescription drugs and no-cost preventative benefits to members. 

The plans all have a lifetime maximum benefit of $3 million per individual.

For more information, contact a Farm Bureau agent or authorized independent agent, or go to To be el­­igible, applicants must be an Iowa Farm Bureau member living in the state and not enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid.