AKKOR Letter to Iowa Farmers
AKKOR Letter to Iowa Farmers September 2016
(For the full article, please click on the link above.)
Greetings to you, Iowa farmers, as you are harvesting your crops and getting ready for another winter. September 2016 has been a very busy month. Harvesting is going on. In soime parts of the country we start harvesting our crops already in August. So, we have been busy. We would like to share with you the news that came as the result of the most recent election, and the news that came from our regional members.
We’ll start with the news of a substantial victory for family farmers and small shareholders in Russia. September 18 became the day when for the first time in the history of the Duma three AKKOR members were elected to the lower House of the Russian Parliament. Among those who won their seats are two familiar faces: President of AKKOR, - Vladimir Plotnikov who ran from the Volgograd Region and got over 60% of the votes, Svetlana Maksimova, an imcumbant who is the AKKOR branch presiident in thhe Tver Region (about 40% of the votes), and a Merited Farmer from Kalmykiya (a republic in Central Russia), - Bator Aduchiyev with 76%.
On October 5, during the first session of the newly elected Parliament, Vladimir Plotnikov was elected first Deputy-Chaitman of the Agrarian Committee and Svetlana and Bator were elected Agraian Committee members.
With this success in putting our members into the lower chamber of the Russian Parliament, we hope that the voice of the farmers will become more important when it comes to defending the interests and shaping policies for the Russian smallshare holders.
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