89 families receive Iowa farm environmental leader awards
Eighty-nine Iowa farm families received the Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Award last week during a ceremony at the Iowa State Fair.
Recipients are from the last two years, including 42 from 2020 and 47 from 2021. The award recognizes farmers who take voluntary actions to improve and protect the environment by using scientifically proven practices like cover crops, wetlands, bioreactors and saturated buffers that support the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy. It is presented by the Iowa governor, lieutenant governor, Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, and Department of Natural Resources.
Since the creation of the Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Award in 2012, more than 650 Iowa farm families have been recognized.
The 2020 and 2021 award recipients include:
• Eric and Darla Andersen and Family, Grundy Co.
• Tom...
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