2018 Prospective Plantings by State
According to the USDA 2018 Prospective Plantings report, total planted soybean acres are estimated at 89 million acres, down slightly from last year. Total corn acreage is expected to be 88 million acres, down about 2% from 2017. Wheat and cotton acres planted are expected to increase 3% and 7%, respectively compared to 2017.
Iowa, Illinois and Nebraska are expected to lead the way in planted corn acres with 13.3 million, 11.0 million, and 9.3 million acres, respectively. Estimated Iowa corn acreage remained unchanged from 2017, while Illinois and Nebraska corn acreage estimates are both down slightly.
Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and North Dakota are the top four states for estimated soybean acres at 10.6 million, 9.8 million, 7.9 million, and 7.1 million acres, respectively. Iowa and Minnesota soybean acres are expected to be down slightly, while Illinois and North Dakota remain the same as 2017.
Kansas wheat acreage is expected to increase 1% to 7.7 million acres, and North Dakota wheat is estimated at 7.49 million acres, a 12% increase from 2017. Iowa is expected to see a 25% increase in wheat acres planted this year to 20,000 acres, but is still very small compared to the major wheat producing states. Minnesota is the 9 th largest state for expected wheat acres (1.611 million acres) with a 38% increase over last year.
Many Midwestern states such as Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, Kansas, and Nebraska are predicted to see increases in oat acreage, however with the cold and wet spring so far, it will be interesting to see if the weather allows those additional oat acres.
Use the interactive maps below to see estimated planted acreage and the percent change from last year for corn, soybeans, wheat, and oat acreage.
Michelle Mensing is a Research Analyst with Decision Innovation Solutions (DIS). DIS is an Iowa-Based economic research firm which provides regular farm economics research and analysis to the Iowa Farm Bureau staff and members.Want more news on this topic? Farm Bureau members may subscribe for a free email news service, featuring the farm and rural topics that interest them most!