In Your Community: Philanthropy & Sponsorships

“Our Agriculture Education program at Southeast Polk wouldn’t be as successful in providing the cutting-edge CASE curriculum if not for the support of our local Polk County Farm Bureau and leadership from the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation. With a donation for equipment from Farm Bureau, we were able to purchase new scientific equipment to outfit our Agri-Science Lab. Our students will be leaps and bounds ahead of their peers while learning to utilize new technology to learn scientific concepts with an agricultural focus.”
Matt Eddy - Clarke County Farm Bureau Member
Matt Eddy - Clarke County Farm Bureau Member

County Farm Bureaus engage in a wide variety of activities throughout the year to support their local communities. From holding food drives and supporting local food banks to supporting farmers’ markets and community-wide celebrations, your county Farm Bureau believes in being a good neighbor and giving back.

Supporting the youth in our communities is a top priority for Farm Bureau. County Farm Bureaus and the Iowa Farm Bureau are strong supporters of local 4-H and FFA chapters, regularly donating time and money to these worthy causes that help shape the next generation of responsible and hard-working Iowans.

Between Iowa Farm Bureau and county Farm Bureaus, we provide
over $500,000 in scholarships every year, and though our title sponsorship of the Iowa High School Athletic Association and the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union our local county Farm Bureau leaders present commemorative balls to teams participating in state athletic tournaments.