Voice Your Support for Short Line Railroads
For large areas of rural and small town America, short line and regional railroads are the only way shippers can stay connected to the national network, helping businesses and employment stay local. Short line railroads are first- and last-mile carriers, connecting small town America, farms and factories, grain elevators, refineries and facilities to the national network of railroads and connecting you to consumers, companies and ports.
Farm Bureau supports H.R. 4626 and S. 2595, the Building Rail Access for Customers and the Economy Act (BRACE Act). The legislation permanently extends the 50 percent tax credit for short line railroad track maintenance. The permanent extension of the short line tax credit (Section 45G of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) will lead to long-term investments and infrastructure upgrades, allowing over 10,000 rail customers, including farmers and ranchers, to stay connected to the national main line rail network.
Contact your members of Congress to voice your support!
FB Advocacy Action Alert
Farm Bureau supports H.R. 4626 and S. 2595, the Building Rail Access for Customers and the Economy Act (BRACE Act). The legislation permanently extends the 50 percent tax credit for short line railroad track maintenance. The permanent extension of the short line tax credit (Section 45G of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) will lead to long-term investments and infrastructure upgrades, allowing over 10,000 rail customers, including farmers and ranchers, to stay connected to the national main line rail network.
Contact your members of Congress to voice your support!
FB Advocacy Action Alert
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