Stored crops: learn bin safety
The harvest season of 2019 was a difficult one. Added to that was the lack of propane in some areas to dry crops. With stored crops that went into storage in less than ideal conditions, checking quality as the weather warms this spring makes bin safety a concern.
As a primer and reminder on the importance of grain bin safety, the Iowa Farm Bureau is offering a webinar on February 18. Dan Neenan, Director of the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS), will present important information on grain bin safety and rescue information. NECAS offers information and education on farm safety and this webinar will be packed with information for everyone in the operation concerning grain bin safety and responding to an emergency. Safety and preparation are everyone’s business. For more information and to pre-register for the webinar (to be held Tuesday, February 18 at 1:00 pm), please click here.
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