There were two webinars announced during the week of July 27. For more information about recently announced field days, visit here.

Recently Announced

August 5 | Scaling up Oxbow Wetland Restorations for Multiple Benefits

Learn more about this promising edge-of-field conservation practice, it’s many benefits, potential funding pools, and other exciting up-to-date news on the gaining momentum and enthusiasm around oxbows! Karen Wilke, Iowa Freshwater Specialist & Boone River Project Director for The Nature Conservancy, will spotlight the multiple benefits that oxbow wetland restorations bring for water quality, wildlife, and people by sharing recent research findings and restoration experiences from the field.

Register for this webinar, here.

August 6 | Increasing Wetland Opportunities with Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship

The Iowa Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) is a state, federal, local, and private partnership that provides incentives to landowners who voluntarily establish wetlands for water quality improvement. The goal is to reduce nitrogen loads from croplands to streams and rivers, while also providing wildlife habitat and increased recreational opportunities. Over the past 15 years, about 90 CREP sites have been constructed in a 37 county region in north central Iowa.

Register for this webinar, here.



August 4 | Restoring Rare Habitats for Wildlife and Water Quality – Beaver Habitat

In this three-part series, landowners Jeff and Nancy Pudenz will share their vision for their land and discuss the work they are doing on their property to restore rare and declining habitats, including fens, oxbows, beaver habitat, oak savanna and more. Also hear about Jeff’s ongoing partnership with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and learn about financial and technical assistance opportunities from USFWS biologist Darrick Weissenfluh.

Register for this virtual field day, here.