New conservation field days announced the week of 8/17
There were 2 field days announced during the week of August 17. For more details about these and 16 more field days, visit here.
Recently Announced
September 5 | Dordt College Field Day
On Wednesday, September 5, at 5:30 p.m., Dordt will host the annual Ag Field Day at the Agriculture Stewardship Center (ASC). Dordt, along with the ISU Extension—Farmer Cooperator Trials group, and Iowa Learning Farms will share research with local farmers about protecting soil resources and managing nutrient losses in the Sioux County area.
September 6 | Cover Crop Field Day
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the Northern Iowa Research Farm Association will host a field day on Sept. 6 focused on using cover crops. The event will highlight both the benefits of cover crops and their management. The field day is free and open to the public. It includes complimentary refreshments and lunch. In order to ensure enough food is purchased for lunch, please register by Sept. 5 to the ISU Extension and Outreach Wright or Hancock county office at 515-532-3453 or 641-923-2856, respectively
August 21 | Field Day to Help Farmers Focus on Nitrogen
owa State University Extension and Outreach will host the next in its Focus on Nitrogen: Managing Nitrogen for Maximum Profit and Minimum Water Quality Impact workshop series on Aug. 21 at the Iowa State Northwest Research Farm near Sutherland. The workshop is part of a statewide series of events this summer and fall that focus on managing nitrogen. The event is targeted to farmers and those who advise farmers and is hosted by a team of ISU Extension and Outreach field agronomists, ag engineering specialists and water quality researchers. It will allow presenters to share research-based information on maximizing profitability with nitrogen management while also increasing the understanding of the practices that minimize and reduce nitrate-nitrogen loss.
August 21 | Manure Management + Field Day in the Headwaters of the North Raccoon
A systems approach to manure management, water quality
August 22 | Manure Management + Field Day in the Floyd Watershed
A systems approach to manure management, water quality
August 22 | Edge of Field Conservation Field Day
Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with Polk County Soil and Water Conservation District and Iowa Corn, will host a wetland and saturated buffer field day on Wednesday, August 22nd from 5:30-7:30pm at Tim Minton farm, rural Dallas Center. The event is free and open to the whole family and includes a complimentary meal. Edge of field practices like wetland, saturated buffers and bioreactors are key to reducing nitrate loss from agricultural land in Iowa. Through a natural biological process microorganisms living in the systems use the incoming nitrate for respiration and reduce the nitrates levels from incoming tile drainage. Together with in-field practices like cover crops and no-tillage, these practices will help reach the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy goals.
August 23 | What's the Scoop on Soil Health, Cover Crops and Economics?
This free event will explore the relationships between plants, soil and biology. This is a concept key to soil health and improved water quality. Tama Soil and Water Conservation District and Practical Farmers of Iowa are hosting the event. Featured speaker will be Keith Berns, a Nebraska farmer and entrepreneur. Berns will speak on “Carbonomics.” He takes a unique approach to looking at the big picture of soil health. He does this by comparing the economy of a country to the underground economy of the soil. Economic fundamentals of supply, demand, currency, capital, energy, resources, infrastructure, and defense to apply.
August 23 | Bioreactor Field Day
Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with Poweshiek County Soil and Water Conservation District, Iowa Soybean Association, Poweshiek County Farm Bureau and Iowa Corn, will host a bioreactor field day on Thursday, August 23rd from 5:30-7:30pm at Roger and Louise Van Ersvelde’s farm, rural Brooklyn. The event is free and open to the whole family and includes a complimentary meal. Edge of field practices like wetlands, saturated buffers and bioreactors are key to reducing nitrate loss from agricultural land in Iowa. Through a natural biological process microorganisms living in the systems use the incoming nitrate for respiration and reduce the nitrate levels from incoming tile drainage. Together with in-field practices like cover crops and no-tillage, these practices will help reach the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy goals.
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