New conservation field days announced for week of November 1
Conservation field days have been announced for the week of November 1. For more information about recently announced field days, visit here.
Recently Announced
Cover Crop and Saturated Buffer Field Day
Wednesday, November 17 (12 pm – 2 pm)
Walcott, Iowa
Mike Paustian returned to the family’s heritage farm in 2008 which encompasses nearly 1,400 acres and a 1,200 sow arrow-to-finish hog operation. In addition to utilizing no-till and minimum till, the Paustian’s have added cover crops to hold soil in place while scavenging nutrients from the soil and fall applied manure. Their goal is to build long term soil health and organic matter in their fields and improve water quality. In the past two years, they have increased their use of cereal rye and oats to cover nearly all of their acres.
Taking the next step to reduce nitrate loss from their farm, the Paustians installed a saturated buffer just north of their home in the summer of 2018. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from Mike and are encouraged to ask questions about their family’s experiences with the saturated buffer, cover crops and more. The field day will begin at Paustian Farms, 6520 215th St, Walcott, IA 52773.
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