New conservation field days announced for week of December 7th
There were three webinars announced during the week of December 1. For more information about recently announced field days, visit here.
Recently Announced
December 9 | The Cost and Benefits of Agricultural Water Conservation: An Economist’s Perspective
Wendong Zhang, assistant professor and extension economist at Iowa State University, will present new survey results on how Iowans value reductions in harmful algal blooms in Iowa waterways, and the economic costs to induce farmers to adopt conservation practices. Drawing on published interdisciplinary data, Zhang will also discuss the challenges of the existing nutrient reduction policy toolbox and possible remedies.
December 10 | Wetlands Key to Middle Cedar Watershed and State Goals
The virtual field day will highlight public and private partnerships working together to implement wetlands to reduce flooding and improve water quality in the Middle Cedar Watershed and beyond. Join us for a live conversation with Adam Rodenberg, Project Coordinator for the Middle Cedar Watershed, and Matt Lechtenberg, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship Water Quality Coordinator.
December 17 | USDA Engages Public for Input on Water Quality in the West
Acting NRCS Chief Kevin Norton will host a virtual, open public listening session in order to gather input regarding the challenges, needed breakthroughs, and priorities through this virtual listening session and through submission of comments either by e-mail or mail delivery. NRCS will then consider this information in its evaluation of existing programs and efforts.
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