The Iowa Farm Bureau Federa­tion has enhanced Spokesman exchange ads and, for the first time, will allow members to post up to three photos of items they are selling, or would like to buy, on our website, .

Iowa Farm Bureau exchange ads are free member-to-member ads that appear weekly both in the Spokesman publication and on the Iowa Farm Bureau website.

"Adding photos to exchange ads that appear on our website is something that our members have requested and we are glad to be able to offer this enhancement," said Dirck Steimel, editor of the Farm Bureau Spokesman. "We think this enhancement will add value for members who are both buying and selling items through exchange ads."

The weekly printed Spokesman will continue to carry Exchange Ads. However, the member-submitted photos will appear only on the website and will not be in the exchange ad section of the printed Spokesman.

Members can upload their exchange ads, along with as many as three photos, at Just go to the home page and click on the "place an ad" button in the Exchange Ad section.

Once the member-placed ad has been approved by their county Farm Bureau office administrator, the member will receive an email confirmation message. After the approval, the ad will be placed in the queue and will appear in the Spokesman and the Iowa Farm Bureau website the following week.

Members can also submit the exchange ads to their county office administrator via email, over the phone or in person. Photos can be included.

For more information, contact your county office administrator.