Iowa's premier weekly crop reports 6/21/2017

Adam Glienke
Cherokee County
Northwest Iowa
"We got a good drink here, and it was much needed,” Glienke said June 15. Crops, which had been showing some stress from heat and high winds, are looking much better now. Stands are also good, Glienke said. “I did a population check on my corn, and it looks good,” he said. Farmers are finishing up post-emerge herbicide treatments on corn and getting a start on soybeans. Most area farmers have finished the first cutting of hay.

Mike Hejlik
Hancock County
North Central Iowa
Hejlik had about one-half inch of rain on his farm recently, which was welcome after a period of hot, dry weather. Corn is starting to cover the rows, but is still looking a bit stressed. Soybean crop...
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