Iowa's premier weekly crop reports 10/11/2017

Kipp Fehr
Palo Alto County
Northwest Iowa
“We’ve been able to go on some beans, but very little corn so far,” Fehr said Oct. 5. Soybean yields in the area are coming in the low 60-bushel-per-acre range, he said. It’s early to get much of a reading on corn yields, but farmers are encouraged, Fehr said. “It’s coming in a little better than people thought it would,” he said. Harvesting is likely to pick up momentum after weekend rain, he added.

Brad Feckers
Butler County
North Central Iowa
“People around here are running on both corn and beans, depending on rains,” Feckers said Oct. 5. Soybean harvesting is about half done in the area, he said. Some area farmers harvested corn before soybeans to meet the demand...
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