Iowa's premier weekly crop reports 10/04/2017
Adam Glienke
Cherokee County
Northwest Iowa
“We haven’t been running any, but there are some people combining beans,” Glienke said Sept. 28. He estimated that farmers had harvested about 10 percent of the soybean acres in the area. With soybean moisture levels running between 12.5 and 14 percent, more farmers will likely be running soon, Glienke said. Silage chopping is wrapping up and some farmers are harvesting high-moisture corn, he said.
Mike Hejlik
Hancock County
North Central Iowa
“Guys are getting antsy, but there is not much of anything harvested up here,” Hejlik said Sept. 28. Most corn and soybean fields, and especially those treated by fungicides, remain fairly green, he said. Farmers are getting...
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