The Farm Bureau Health Plan has proven to be a cost-effective option for thousands of Iowans who don’t qualify for subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Some Farm Bureau Health Plan members have seen savings of 40% to 60% compared to unsubsidized ACA premiums since the plan began taking ap­­plications Nov. 1, 2018.

The plan has fit well for many different Iowans, including couples who are just starting families, older Iowans who want to retire before they are eligible for Medicare, people who are self-employed or those who have a dependent who turns 26. Some examples of savings realized by FB Health Plan members are a north-central Iowa couple who saved $16,000 per year, an individually covered female who saved $6,000 annually and a male who lowered his monthly premium by $724, according to the plan website.

Unlike many other health plans in the market with a short enrollment window, the Farm Bureau Health Plan offers year-round enrollment to assist people who have experienced life changes.

Its three enrollment options all provide comprehensive coverage including maternity, mental health and chemical dependency, prescription drugs and no-cost preventative benefits to members.

The plans, administered by Wellmark, cover all Iowa hospitals and 97% of Iowa physicians.

For more information, contact a Farm Bureau agent or authorized independent agent, or go to To be eligible, applicants must be an Iowa Farm Bureau member living in the state and not eligible for Medicare or Medicaid.