Decision Farm Bill Meeting - Neola, IA
Among the changes in the 2018 farm bill are evolutionary improvements to commodity support programs such as the Marketing Loan Program, Price Loss Coverage and Agriculture Risk Coverage. Iowa Farm Bureau is offering free informational meetings to help Iowans navigate their options. Farmers should attend to gain a better understanding of the programs and the risk management they offer over the next 5 years.
Topics to be covered:
- Improvements/Modernization of Marketing Loan Rates
- Price Loss Coverage (PLC) Improvements
- Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) Improvements
- Base Acres and Yield Updating
- ARC or PLC Election and Flexibility
The 2018 farm bill made several improvements to both program prices and yields to enhance the effectiveness of these tools in helping farmers manage risk. Other provisions of the farm bill such as conservation will also be included.
7/23/19 - Neola, IA
10:00 AM Meeting
Phoenix Movie Theater
307 Front Street
Neola, IA
register now
The meeting schedule will continue to build. If you would like a meeting in your area, work with your county Farm Bureau or contact Ed Kordick, at
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