Iowa farmers must continue to create and innovate to produce the food the world needs while always protecting the environment, Craig Hill, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation (IFBF) president, told members at the 95th IFBF annual meeting last week in Des Moines.

The theme of the 2013 annual meeting — Generations of In­novation — precisely describes how Iowa farmers continue to build on the legacy of their strong heritage, while always looking for better ways, Hill said.

"Innovation is much more the result of conscious and persistent action — often in the face of failed trials — to better solve problems and address unfulfilled needs," Hill said. "I don’t know many people who are more persistent than a farmer.

"Agriculture always needs new ideas, creative approaches to bring the next generation of renewable energy to the world. It will bring advances in seed genetics, which help us grow food despite turbulent weather or advances in livestock, food safety and conservation," the Farm Bureau president said. "It will take innovation to keep farming ‘green and...