In Your Community: Advocacy

"Something that has always impressed me with Farm Bureau is the policy development process. This is really grassroots at work. I’ve seen individual members’ ideas, concerns and issues taken all the way from our county Farm Bureau to our national leaders in Washington, D.C. That is vital to my husband Justin and me because Farm Bureau represents us, carries our voice, and we’ve found that together, as a group with a unified voice, we can accomplish so much.”
Jennifer Dammann - Page County Farm Bureau Member
Jennifer Dammann - Page County Farm Bureau Member
All members have the opportunity to have their voices heard as Farm Bureau develops its policies. through the organization's yearlong policy development process. County Farm Bureaus survey their members and invite them to participate in discussions regarding current issues. After much discussion at the county level, policy is debated and adopted at the state level by 100 voting delegates (one from each county Farm Bureau).

After creating Farm Bureau policy, our members work tirelessly to enact it on the local, state and national levels. From local legislative coffees at home, to trips to the State Capitol and Washington, D.C., our members work hard all year to implement policy that benefits farms and rural communities.