1. Understanding Your Balance Sheet
TBD, Farm Credit Services of AmericaBalance sheets are an integral part on how lenders view our operations. It is important to be able benchmark from one year to the next to see the true growth of our operation. Hear from a lender how they benchmark and evaluate farm operations and tips on communicating with your lender throughout the year.
2. Ensuring Success on the Family Farm with Estate Planning
(Repeated)Erin Herbold-Swalwell, Senior Counsel, Iowa Farm Bureau and Farm Bureau Financial Services
Kristine Tidgren, Director of the Center for Agriculture Law and Taxation, Iowa State University
Estate planning and taxes are part of the farm succession planning process and can also be very overwhelming. This session is designed to give young farmers an understanding of the estate planning process and how they can move forward in their own legacy planning.
3. Keeping Children on the Farm Safe
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