Breakout Sessions - Round 2

1. Agriculture's Definition of Sustainability
Christopher Pudenz, Economics and Research Manager, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation
Agriculture and farming have a long history of sustainability - especially here in Iowa.  America’s farmers have been leading the way for decades.  As farmers increase innovation and efficiency, sustainability goes right along with that.  The news media, industry and consumers have high expectations on sustainability.  In this session, you will learn what specifically the industry expects and how this affects the farmer.

2. Feeding the Crew
Dee Pickard, Owner/Operator, SP Farms
The logistics of feeding the harvest, planting, or chopping crew can be overwhelming. The meals need to be at the right time and right field, but also convenient, delicious, and healthy. Just a small order, right? Learn from Dee how she tackles feeding her crew during these times.

3. Ensuring Success on the Family Farm with Estate Planning
Erin Herbold-Swalwell, Senior Counsel, Iowa Farm Bureau and Farm Bureau Financial Services
Kristine Tidgren, Director of the Center for Agriculture Law and Taxation, Iowa State University
Estate planning and taxes are part of the farm succession planning process and can also be very overwhelming. This session is designed to give young farmers an understanding of the estate planning process, tax considerations and how they can move forward in their own legacy planning.

4. The Rules of Selling Meat Products to Consumers
Janis Hochstetler, HACCP and Labeling Coordinator, Meat & Poultry Inspection Bureau, Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship
Learn the rules and regulations directly from the Iowa Department of Agriculture that apply to selling meat products off your farm to consumers. Hear from a locker on how to best facilitate the transaction between consumer and locker and coordinate the labeling instructions.

5. Hands Only CPR Training
Mark McCulloch, Deputy Chief of Emergency Medical Services, City of West Des Moines
People who have had CPR training are more likely to give high-quality chest compressions and are more confident about their skills than those who have not been trained. Adults who suddenly collapse and are not responsive are likely to experience sudden cardiac arrest. Their chance of survival is nearly zero unless someone acts immediately. Hands-Only CPR is an easy, effective way for any bystander, especially if they act immediately, to double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival.

6. National Policy Update
Dustin Sherer , Director, Government Affairs, American Farm Bureau Federation  
Farm Bureau has a grassroots structure. Individual members take action at the county level. All counties are represented and set policy at the statewide policy conference. Iowa Farm Bureau then takes the agreed upon national policies to the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting. Hear from an AFBF representative on how they are working to represent the farmers at the national level.

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